I was in Hawaii to present at a conference so I had travelled there by myself. My usual travel companion, my husband Darren, stayed home to look after our fur children! So I explored Waikiki by myself.
I found the Pau Hana Market by accident as I went for a walk looking for somewhere to eat out in Waikiki. Pau Hana Market is a permanent set up with up to seven food trucks. There were seven trucks on the night I ate there and five when I returned two days later for lunch.

The market opens at 11am each day and closes at 10pm. It is open seven days a week.
There are a number of wooden tables and chairs so you can sit down at the market to eat your meal. On the night I was there all of the tables had people sitting at them, but I sat at the end of one table as the group already sitting there weren’t using the whole table.

Meals cost around the $8 to $15 and the meals I had tasted great. It’s a cheap way to grab a tasty meal.
Samurai Grill food was great. For the price of the meal, the size was huge. I didn’t get through it.

If you are looking for somewhere that isn’t too expensive to eat in Honolulu try out the Pau Hana Market. Good food and reasonably priced.